Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Our Back To Homeschool Halloween Party

Today is October 4th, and we are having a party! No, it's not anyone's birthday. We are just embracing the fall season, by having a Halloween/back to homeschool party.

We didn't officially start school this year until October 2nd. We went to Disney World last month, and we all needed some time to recover before starting school.

A party is a great way to start your homeschool year. It gets everyone united, and ready for the fun that lies ahead.

For this party we baked soft gingersnap cookies. Also on the menu: lil smokies in a sweet garlic sauce, sliders made from ground chicken, popcorn with fritos chips and taco seasoning mixed in, apple slices with caramel dipping sauce, and homemade pumpkin donuts! For beverages we have ginger ale, lemon lime soda, and apple cider.

I planned activities that were easy, but fun. Darien did face painting for the little ones.

We played 'guess who'. Tape the name of a Halloween character to the back of someone's shirt. Make sure they don't see what it is. Once everyone has a character, they go around asking each other yes or no questions to figure out who they are. They ask a person three questions then move on to someone else.

We also listened to some not so scary stories on tape. I laid out a bunch of themed books for the kids to peruse throughout the day.

As a final activity, the kids painted, and steampunked their pumpkins!

They all had fun, and we made memories.

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